Thursday, October 31, 2019

Jamaica Kincaid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jamaica Kincaid - Essay Example Antigua and Barbuda is country located north of Guadalupe in Caribbean. Being country of around hundred thousand locales, there are not many countries in the world with such smaller population. St. John's which has a population of around 25000 is the largest city in the Island (Financial Standards Foundation 2009). Elaine Potter Richardson (the childhood name of Jamaica Kincaid) had lived with her stepfather who was a carpenter till she was sent to work as an au pair at Westchester in New York. By then, she had done her secondary education in the elegant British education system. Antigua continued to be a British colony until 1967 before it achieved the status of an independent nation within the Commonwealth until 1981. The obvious detest about the white power and colonialism seems to be cultivated in her since her childhood, along with an intense love and appreciation for the English literature (Vorda 1993) She felt first-hand the negative effects of British colonialism as the colonists attempted to turn Antigua "into England" and the natives "into English" without regard for the native culture or homeland (Kincaid 1988). The anger that Kincaid has in her for a long time towards English and the Antiguans is expressed through and as the main thread of 'A Small Place'. ... In her attempt to bring out the social, cultural, educational and infrastructural issues of Antigua, Kincaid undermined the sovereignty of Antigua as a free nation. The exaggeration to a great extent helped the reader to understand the intensity of 'colonial, postcolonial and neocolonial myths, thereby interrogating the tourists' perspective and unraveling the continuing colonizing construction of a place legitimized only by its visitors' (Corinna McLeod). The following are some of the realities of Antigua as a nation. 'Antigua and Barbuda has no indigenous sources of oil, natural gas, coal or hydropower. It is largely dependent on imported oil to generate electricity. Oil imports are around 4,500 barrels per day. The IMF estimated the external public sector debt at US$520.4 million at the end of 2008, which was equal to 46.3 percent of GDP. Agriculture is a very small part of the economy with crop production accounting for just 0.9 percent of GDP in 2006. There are 1,165 km of roads (723 miles) of which 33 percent are paved. Traffic moves on the left. The US State Department's Travel Advisory for April 2, 2008 noted that the "major roads are generally in good condition." Drug trafficking has become a major illicit activity. According to a March 3, 2009 article on the St. Maarten Island Time. The largest individual investor and employer was Sir Allen Stanford. The billionaire financier had extensive real estate holdings and also owned the Stanford International Bank, the Bank of Antigua, two restaurants, a cricket ground and the Anguilla Sun newspaper. In February 2009, Stanford's financial empire disintegrated when it was

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The End of the War is Just the Beginning Essay Example for Free

The End of the War is Just the Beginning Essay In the world of poetry, the most inspirational topics are often the most tragic. War is one of those subjects that evoke a bottomless well of stories, opinions, and emotions. Leningrad Cemetery, Winter of 1941 and Dulce et Decorum Est are two examples of poems centered around battle with different perspectives on war itself. In the poem Leningrad Cemetery, Winter of 1941, author Sharon Olds gives an account of a visit to a burial site where hundreds of dead bodies lay, victims of the siege on the city of Leningrad in World War II. The image is further darkened by the fact that since the ground is frozen, the corpses are unable to be buried. The overall effect created by this poem is to show the brutality of that time on and off the battlefield, as well as to convey the message that there is no hiding from the truth: the world is not a perfect place. The use of metaphors and similes, diction, sounds of words, and most importantly, the overall tone communicates harsh details. Though distributed throughout the work, these features are sometimes concentrated in specific sections; my guess is to create a stronger effect en masse. Though written without stanzas, I could see this poem being divided into four separate parts. The first part serves as an objective view of the cemetery itself and describing the image before the speaker. The first line That winter, the dead could not be buried (1) creates the sort of impact that Olds wanted to have carried throughout the whole poem. This unflinching depiction of truly gruesome scenes is what makes this piece so powerful. Readers are given an image of bodies lying in the cold and then told that the coffins were burned for firewood and that the gravediggers too hungry to work. This is, to say the least, a very bleak picture. When I read the next section, the s sounds filled me with a bit of a chill like I could feel the cold of the winter there. So they were covered with something and taken on a childs sled to the cemetery in the sub-zero air. (5) This is an example of one of the many tactics used by the author to further draw the reader in and make the poem more of an involving experience and not just some words on a page. The next defining section comes with the description of the corpses themselves, though not in a the same grisly detail-filled way as would be suspected after what had been written so far. Although the overall descriptions are tragic, they are camouflaged by metaphors and similes dealing with positive messages in an attempt to pull away from this grim spectacle. Corpses wrapped with dark cloth and rope are compared to a trees ball of roots/ when it wants to planted(8) an image often associated with the beginning of somethings life, not the end. The same lifelike comparison is found in the next sentence when those wrapped with sheets are associated with cocoons that will split down the center/ when the new life inside is prepared (11). Another very positive outlook on the current situation, but also very out of place, especially considering the diction used later to describe the corpses as, pale, gauze, tapered shapes/stiff (10). However, the work then takes a complete turnaround and changes positions very quickly, taking the antithesis of the previous comparisons by associating the bodies with inanimate objects naked calves/ hard as corded wood(14). Its as if the speaker is returning back to the reality of the present situation from the temporary escape the speaker had just made with his positive descriptions and allusions to new life. The use of sounds of words is used once again, but with a sharp k sound to emphasize the harshness of the surroundings. But most lay like corpses, their coverings coming undone, naked calves hard as corded wood spilling from under a cloak, a hand reaching out (15) This harsh alliteration gets back to and more closely follows one of the original motivations of the poem, to shock and disturb readers. The last part of this poem, without a doubt, holds its most powerful image and in turn its most powerful message serving as the best example of the pieces straight forward and introspective tone. From under a cloak, a hand reaching out with no sign of peace, wanting to come back even to the bread made of glue and sawdust, even to the icy winter, and the siege. (18) Throughout this work, there are a number of references to death and life, ends and beginnings, but this is the only mentioning of a longing to return to life from death. It strongly communicates the idea that any sort of life that the reader is leading, no matter how bad, is a life nonetheless for which he or she should be grateful. Here these corpses lay and would give anything to be alive, even if it meant living in this awful place under these terrible conditions. Its better than death. The use of general and formal features explains both the speakers attitude towards the scene at the cemetery as well as creates a stance on Grays theories concerning the lust of the eye. The two practically overlap because the goal of the work is to recreate the scene that caught the speakers eye in the first place. Then relay it to the audience and capture them with the lust of the poetic ear. Shock and amazement are prevalent throughout this piece, especially in the end and the sight of the outstretched hand. Though different from Grays panoramic and impersonal images of power and destruction, these grisly images evoke the same lust of the eye in the speaker and upon viewing them, he tries to delude himself. By comparing the images he sees to more positive visions he can relate to, such as the butterfly cocoon and the trees roots, he feels more comfortable, it calms him. These ideas are but fleeting, though, and he is brought back to realize that the world is no longer perfect. It is as he sees it and no more, and that is overall message. There is no escape from the truth. In the poem Dulce et Decorum Est, author Wilfred Owen provides the reader with not just one, but two entirely different views on war, both of which vary greatly from Olds. Written in an as it happens type style, the piece depicts a group of soldiers caught in the middle of a mustard gas attack during World War I. Owen then switches gears and describes the aftermath of the assault with a cynical view not apparent in the first half of the poem. The purpose and overall effect of this poem is tell the reader that the messages created by the media are wrong and that dying for ones country is not a glorious thing. This idea cant be truly realized unless one has looked death in the face personally. The use of tone, imagery, diction, and stanzas are crucial in getting this point across and I have pointed out where and how they are utilized. The first thing that struck me about this poem was the impact created by the imagery used by the author. Like the Leningrad cemetery, this view it is powerful in scope; only filled more with action and allows less time for reflection by the reader. The first scene is described as a group of soldiers returning from battle Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,/ Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through the sludge, (2) Moving as this image is, it is somewhat ironic that the imagery can be so powerful when you consider that due to the gas, the senses of the speaker and his companions are practically inoperable. This somehow enhances what the reader experiences. I say this because if these soldiers could take everything in, it wouldnt be any great surprise for them because they were so desensitized to war, a familiar concept felt in Olds poem. I often viewed the speaker in the Leningrad cemetery as being someone like a reporter or gravedigger that no longer sees the bodies as the truly lay. He can only see the images that the bodies remind him of. However, by describing normally insignificant events of battle going on around those numbed physically and mentally, the audience is given a clearer picture of what the world they are living in is like. Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots/ Of disappointing shells that fell behind (8). Bombs fall around them and they pay no heed. This ignorance lasts not for long though. Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! An ecstasy of fumbling/ Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time (10). This surprising interjection of action breaks the ambience of the background noise and the silent solace in which they marched. Inventive and unorthodox diction is responsible for making some of the most profound statements in this section that much more noticeable. Not only for the scenes these words help to create, but to make the reader stop and question their usage. The use of the word ecstasy to describe the fumbling of the gas mask caught my eye. Whether we should view this as comical or just plain hopeless leaves the audience uncertain what to feel and in a way temporarily pulls the reader away from the seriousness of the current situation. But someone still was yelling out and stumbling/ And floundering like a man in fire or lime (12). Gripped with a fear for his own life and the gravity of the moment, the speaker can do nothing but watch his comrade guttering, choking, drowning (16). Another example of how the power of the diction fuels the fire of the emotions already being felt by the reader. Its after this point that the speaker reaches his breaking point and realizes that things will never be the same. The stanzas, which had been similar in length and mostly objective, take a dramatic turn in the last half of the poem. After watching his companion die, a new stanza starts only two lines in length. As in the first poem, the last part of the work takes a turn to make an overriding point with just one image. In these sentences, the speaker stops reflecting on the past and talks about the present. In all my dreams, before my helpless sight/ He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning (16). We realize that for the speaker, this war has never really ended for him, but just keeps getting replayed over and over in his head. He knows hell never be able to shake that image and expresses his feelings in the final stanza. In this last and most important paragraph, time slows down and the memory burned into the speakers head comes bubbling to the surface, as fresh as if he had seen it yesterday. He accounts, with gruesome details, the body of a dying soldier flung in the back of a cart. A man whose slow death he had been witnessing for the past few minutes and was unable to help. He was now on his way to being just another statistic and the all the speaker could do was watch. And watch the white eyes writhing in his face/ His hanging face, like a devils sick of sin; (20). It is here that his tone becomes obvious and he relays to readers his belief about war and that the glory so often talked about is absent when it comes to dying on the battlefield. As General Patton once said, No man ever died for his country. Go out and make some other man die for his country. Both of these poems strongly emphasize the aftermath of war more than the grand spectacle itself. Its this shared factor that in a way negates what Gray says about the lust of the eye and becoming separated from the world by the panoramic and jaw dropping sight of battle. Though neither of the poems disproves this idea, both Olds and Owen focus on a different lust of the eye, one having more to do with what is seen at the end and not so much during the conflict itself. The images of the dead create a lasting impression in the readers minds that as uncomfortable as it may be, must be a thousand times worse for a material witness. It gives me a whole new respect for veterans. I no longer appreciate just what they did, but what they have to live with.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Case For And Against Global Governance Politics Essay

The Case For And Against Global Governance Politics Essay The wish to rule the world has always been a part of the human experience throughout recorded history. Broadly speaking, global governance is an international and political system of ruling at all levels or human activity. In other words, this type of governance can be associated with multilevel governance in the sense that governance does not only take place at the national and the international echelon but also at the local, regional as well as subnational levels. Globalisation is a term that has been spoken about worldwide since 1990 and it has given a rise to intense arguments about the supply of losses and gains resulting from it. From a political point of view, many authors have also tried to define the subject matter which will be discussed throughout this essay. This essay examines not only the pessimistic and optimistic sides of global governance but will also explain the concept, how it works together or in cooperation with the United Nations. Meaning, this piece of work wi ll also explain a bit about the UNs contribution towards global governance by giving supportive examples in order to back up the argument. It will also analyse what authors think about global governance and how they define it. It will then suggest a model for enhancing global governance within the conclusion. As explained within the introduction, global governance could also be considered as a political interaction of transnational actors aimed at solving issues that have an effect on more than one state or area in case there is no authority of imposing compliance. Global governance makes rules intended for the worldwide scale. However, the world governance model only takes as fact the emergence and intensification of interdependence conditions between states and not a monopoly of the legal practice of force. To be more specific, it is a model of international relations that does not presume the alteration of the material constitutions of the international relations from anarchy to hierarchy. Nevertheless, it represents a noticeable change of the social structures in which international relations are taking place. Fundamentally, this transformation is characterized by the rising significance of norms and set of laws which are globally agreed (Volker R and Bernhard z 2006). Governance in t his particular case designates official political establishments that seek to organize and control co-dependent social relations and that also have the capacity to implement decisions. In fact, many authors have defined the concerned topic according to their ideology. Global governance is basically the sum effort of managing global affair. The commission of Global Governance which was established in 1995 provided the following definition: Global governance is the sum of many ways individuals and institutions public and private manage their common affairs. It is a progressing process through which conflicting or diverse interests may be accommodated and co-operate actions may be taken. It includes formal institutions and regimes empowered to enforce conformity, as well as informal arrangements that people and institutions either have agreed to or perceive to be in their interest. At the global level, governance has been viewed primarily as intergovernmental relationships, but must now be understood as also involving non-governmental organisations (NGOS), citizens movements, multinational corporations and the global capital market. Global government aims at activities that cross borders and are normally outside the control of individual governments. Commerce and world trade are standard case in points. International crime, drug smuggling, cross-border environmental problems, the internet, tourism, migration of people and the spread of diseases are amongst the cases that covers global governance. The system available for the management of a particular set of issues internationally is referred to as international regimes. If global governance is the sum of ways that individuals and institutions manage their common affairs across the world, then international regimes are the tool kits for this activity. (Krasner, 1983:2). Global governance includes peoples participation and empowerment with respect to public policies, choices and offices. Global governance can encompass the workings of the world economic market which can be undertaken on the basis of implicit understanding, private agreements and with little input from international organisations. The internet functions world-wide without recourse to any controlling international organisations and indeed often beyond governmental control. It also includes the institutions in which these principles and values find on-going expression. It cannot be argued that Global governance can be good, bad or indifferent refers to active collective arrangements to solve problems. Adjusting our definition, global governance is the sum of laws, norms, policies and institutions that define, constitute and mediate relations among citizens, society, markets and the state within the international field (reference). Conventionally, governance has been linked with leading, governing, or with political power, institutions, and, eventually, control and management of organisations. In the sense, governance signifies formal political establishments that aim to coordinate and control interdependent social relations and possess the capacity to enforce decisions. In rec ent years, however, authors such as James Roseneau have used governance refering to the regulation of interdependent relations in the nonexistence of overarching political authority; such as in the international system. Meaning, even in the absence of an overarching central authority, existing collective arrangements bring more predictability, stability and order to transboundary problems than we might expect. These may be perceptible but quite informal(e.g. practices or guidelines).But they may also be far more formal, taking the shape of rules (laws, norms, codes of behaviour) as well as constituted institutions and practices intended to manage collective affairs by a mixture of actors. Through such methods and agreements, collective interests are articulated, rights and obligations are established and differences are mediated (Thomas G Weiss and R Thakur,2001). International organisations are likely to remain the fundamental pillar of global governance since as being a model of g lobal governance they might not only portray more satisfactorily the reality of todays international relations but also the reality of international relations in the predictable future.(Volker et all, 2006). The statements above have showed how to some extent, a world can be organised without a central overarching authority (global governance). As mentioned above, global governance could have both positive and negative outcomes which will be discussed within the following paragraphs. On one hand, I believe that there is no government for the world. Yet on any given day, mail is distributed across frontiers, people travel from one country to another via variety of transportation means; goods and services are shipped across lands, sea ,air and a whole range of other cross-border activities takes place in rational expectation of safety and security for the people, firms and governments concerned. Most observers believe that there is no foundation for an over-optimistic evaluation of th e impact of globalisation. As a matter of fact, we notice that there is an ever-widening gap between rich and poor people in developing and industrialises countries alike instead of a stable increase and a fair distribution of wealth (UNDP 1999). Additionally, disruptions and threats are rare; indeed in many instances less frequent in the international domain than in many sovereign countries that should have effective and functioning governments. That is to say, international transactions are typically if not to say naturally characterized by order, stability and predictability. This simply means that with or without global governance, they are generally and normally characterised by steadiness and preventability. This immediately raises a puzzle and shows that to some extent the world could be governed even in the absence of a world or global government to produce codes of conduct, norms and regulatory surveillance as well as compliance instruments. In other words, there could be g overnance without a central government. Some allocated values are quasi-authoritative for the world and are accepted as such without a government to rule the world. To back up what has been explained above, I will give an example of what has happened up till now in the world. Asia also underwent a major financial crisis in 1997-1998. Nowadays, the impressive subprime housing loans, banking and financial crisis that began in the US in September-October 2008 is likely continue for several years. That simply means it is also the case that normal periods of calm, stability, order and predictability are interspersed with periodic bouts of market volatility, disorder and crisis. Government may be imperfect, but markets too are defective. Both the Asian crisis and the US market collapse in 2008 express the necessity for transparent, sufficient, effective regulatory, surveillance instruments and institutions. To be more specific, these are crisis of governance in terms of playing proper ro le of governments and market institutions as well as the appropriate balance in the relationships between them. Furthermore, these are also crisis of domestic governance. The causes of the crisis lie in the inadequate domestic governance and the solution entails responses from both domestic governments and the markets. (Weiss and Thomas George, 2010).Examples above show how the role of global governance institutions is restricted to containing the contagion. For this case, I believe that global governance institutions to some extent are limited in its actions and sometimes do not act beyond its capacity. To be more assertive, Global governance can play a facilitative and constraining role, but it rarely plays a determinant and predominant one. The authority and ability for the latter is vested almost exclusively in domestic public authorities. In fact, the expectations are greater for global governance on the peace and security side, yet here too they may be false or overstated. As financial crisis periodically occurs, armed conflict occasionally breaks out even in the midst of general peace and order. As stated by Weiss and Thomas, 2010, not all emergencies and crisis are human-made. The worldwide response to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami which killed about 280,000 people provides us with global governance in microcosm, an illustration of how an enormous transborder problem is addressed in a decentralised world. Although it is trite to remark that there is no world government to take charge of international responses, it is less commonly understood that there was such a remarkable assistance which was effectively provided to tsunami victims without a central authority. Within the following paragraph, I will give another example showing how global governance institutions could be unhelpful sometimes. In December 2004, there was an earthquake that registered a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale. This took place in the Island of Sumatra. Consequently, the ear thquake and the resulting Tsunami spread mind-boggling destruction across the Indian Ocean. What is more, 12 countries were affected some as far away as the Horn of Africa. The globalizing effect of innovations in transportation and communication were in evidence. The revolution in information technology made global communications instantaneous and also made it possible to mobilize humanitarian assistance for rescue, relief, and the reconstruction in real time. This began to appear on international television news programs and on internet. It has also allowed the scope of the tragedy to become clear. A week after the disaster, experts estimated that as many people would die of disease as were killed by the waved themselves. In fact, help was so valuable that number was close to zero. As a matter of fact, even though the UN can physically deploy humanitarian assistance to help people affected by such emergencies anywhere in the world, it is not puzzling to affirm that millions of liv es were saved and rebuilding was started without a central authority (global governance). Moreover, despite the fact that IOs help states to cooperate in the pursuit of shared goals and manage competition and rivalry in order to avoid conflict and violence, countless threats whether natural or unnatural face the human species. For example genocide, weapons of mass destruction, climates change, and financial instabilities. Essentially, the evolution of intergovernmental institutions to facilitate robust international responses lags well behind the emergence of collective problems with transborder, especially global dimensions. This could also be stated as one of the problà ©matiques (negative side) of global governance in our time. Similarly, another pessimistic side of global governance is in terms of security. This consists of the disconnect between the distribution of authority within existing intergovernmental institutions and the distribution of military power internationally. According to Rodern Wilkinson: Economic governance is the most advanced and comprehensive dimension of emerging global governance. Yet as in the security sector, there is a growing gap between distribution of authority within existing international institutions and the international distribution of economic power. Regardless of the fact that Global Governance has an unfinished journey with the UN, it is important to acknowledge that it also has limits in terms of attaining their governance goals and thus the reduction of their legitimacy, mainly originates from four governance gaps which are jurisdictional, operational, incentive and participatory. As a result these gaps considerably impair the capacity of international governance systems such as global governance in this case so as not to deal efficiently with urgent problems. (Volker Rittberg, 2001). This also impedes some actors opportunities to participate in the public policy-making. In other words, the attainment of governance goals within the global governance as a model of international governance system has gradually become more complex. This is particularly true for trans- sovereign problems. This lack of effectiveness has been referred to as the governance systems reduced output legitimacy(Zurn 2002, 184,Scharpf 1998a). According to Volker Rittberg, global governance has to be regarded rather as a patchwork of heterogeneous elements deriving from governance under the hegemonic umbrella (e.g. in the security communities) as well as governance without world governance appears to be the most desirable and realistic of realizable governance models. The extent to which the United Nations can help promote international world peace and security is a matter of debate. Evidence indicates that the world organisation still faces many great challenges. Most importantly, insecurity is growing especially in Non-western or developing countries. For the time being, the UN possesses only a limited institutional and logistical capacity to undertake major peace operations around the world. Accordingly, global governance is not a single world order, not a top down, hierarchical structure of authority. It is the collection of governance, related activities, rules and mechanisms, formal and informal existing at a variety of levels in the world today. For purposes of global government, one major limitation of public international law is that it applies only to states except for war crimes and crimes against humanity. At present, except within the EU, multilateral agreements cannot be used directly to bind individuals, multinational corporations, non-governmental organisations, paramilitary forces, terrorists or international criminals. However, they can establish norms that states are expected to observe and where possible enforce against these non-state actors. Another issue in the eyes of many is the deficiency of international enforcement mechanisms and the role of self-interest in shaping states decisions about whether or not to accept treaties and other forms of international rules. International law has left states to use self-help means to secure fulfilment. In reality, The UN charter and the E.U treaties for example, provide enforcement mechanisms yet the threat of sanctions is not a key motivator for compliance with international rules (M Karns and K Mingst, 2004). The complexity of global governance is a function not only of many pieces, but also of many actors that are frequently linked in transnational and trans-governmental networks. Such networks have become increasingly dense since the 1970.Amongst them there are the states, IGOs, NGOs, experts, multinational corporations (MNCS) and global policy networksà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ However, it is important to acknowledge the fact that the theory and practice of global governance seeks to provide international government-like services in the absence of a world government and helping to build effective regional organisations and security communities, the UN has a better chance of achieving its goals for global governance. The positive side of global governance will now be discussed within the following paragraphs. On the other hand, Global governance is needed in order to stimulate improvement, maintain social stability and to decrease inequality. Meaning, a stronger international cooperation is important so as to make this work in tandem (effectively) with open market abroad. I believe that since more and more problems are global, solutions should also be global to make more sense. That is to say effective cooperation among governments, big business and NGOs is necessary. It is evident that over the past years climate change has been the lightning-road issue for global governance. Therefore it makes sense for global common problems to require a global cooperative solution. The United Nations once dealt only with governments. By now we know that peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without partnerships involving governments, international organisations, the business community and civil society ( In fact, we depend on each other in todays world. This simply means a nation cannot surv ive efficiently on its own and will surely need a hand from the outside world. It can be seen that international organisations (IGOS) and INGOS play important roles and undertake particular functions in the world market-place. Therefore it is difficult to imagine the contemporary world without them since they assist the process of the functioning of the international political systems such as global governance. The absence of inactivity of global governance could result in the fact that sovereign states would have to contact one another by the transnational means of diplomacy, at most conference diplomacy. National groupings and individuals might well have contact with those having common interests in other parts of the world but this relationship would not be formalized into a continuous structure with members from several states. Forums for discussion and exchange would be less frequent and would be one-off occasions with no certainty of any continuity. Governments and groupings t rying to further their own ends internationally would have fewer instruments. The existence of Global governance, however strong or weak and in whatever form, also allows for action by global civil society. Civil society in the domestic context refers to the social action not organized by governments and its agents but non-governmental movements, associations and organizations. (Clive A, 2001). The U.N system plays a central role in global governance in terms of implementing or adjusting proposals. It seems that the global-governance model is most compatible with our finding that international organisations are able to encourage and stabilize international cooperation among sovereign states To gain a foothold in the future, global governance will have to overcome the gaps mentioned above, which we have not explained in detail throughout this essay. However, there is no general consensus about how these gaps can and should be narrowed or even closed although they curtail the effectiveness and legitimacy of 20th century international governance systems. In order to fulfil effectively the tasks of governance, it is essential to ensure a well-balanced relationship within the triad of actors and by making it possible for these actors to participate in governance processes adequately and equitably.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Importance of Sleep in Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Sleep in Macbeth It is natural to want to sleep after working hard. If something goes wrong or if the conscience feels guilt, the body will not let the person rest. The conscience keeps the person awake to think about his sins and keep torturing him until he confesses. In the play Macbeth, William Shakespeare uses images of sleep to show the guilt of Macbeth's and Lady Macbeth's conscious. When the idea of the first murder enters their heads, things begin to go wrong. They no longer have the natural healthy, normal sleep. Their sleep is made up of nightmares and other disturbances. Only the admission of guilt or death can save them. Strange things begin happening in Macbeth's mind when he decides to go through with the murder of Duncan. He sees the image of the dagger floating in front of him(53). This is his inner thoughts warning him on how unnatural this act is. When he goes to Duncan's chamber, he hears warnings from his conscious. "Sleep no more!/Macbeth doth murdered sleep"- the innocent sleep."(57) This is Macbeth's first evil act. At this point he still hears the warnings. As he gets further into the darkness, all the other voices disappear. Instead he is haunted by evil dreams, images, and premonitions. Lady Macbeth is also warned of the trouble that is to come from this. When she goes to Duncan's chamber, she sees the image of her father, warning her not to murder Duncan. She strips herself of all good to gather the strength to go through with the act. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth give up their souls in pursuit of the kingship. It is this obvious disregard for the warnings by the conscience of the los s of innocence that causes them to be haunted by it later in the play. The great loss is the natural sleep. Sleep is the reward of the day. Because Macbeth and Lady Macbeth give up their innocence, they lose the good sleep. "Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse the curtained sleep(53)." "You lack the season of all natures, sleep," says Lady Macbeth to Macbeth(109). Their sleep is no longer natural. It is forced by them. Their conscience will no longer let them rest. It wants them to suffer for their sins. The doctor observes, "A great perturbation in nature, to receive at/ once the benefit of sleep and do the effects of watching(161).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

When a Man Loves a Woman

Name: Date: August 1, 2006 Course/Level/Section: BSN IV- H1Adviser: Mrs. Theorose Bustillo Reaction Paper â€Å"The Notebook† At first, when the movie showed the past details of the characters, it was boring. You cannot appreciate the movie if you don’t reach the end part. It portrayed an old man whose love to her wife is measured till eternity. Love was a never ending journey. Loving her wife is part of his life. As long as his heart is still beating, love still survives. To his last breath, he still shared his love to her wife. The setting of the film was also an old and classical feature. It showed a typical place of people wearing dress and cars whose designs are present in our museums. The wife at that time was a student nurse and the husband was a soldier. Their love was destined to be apart from each other to have a wise decision at the future. Their relationship was separated due to the will of the girl’s parents. The reason of her parents was due to the financial status of the guy that has not reached to their standards. The girl belonged to a wealthy family, while the guy is form a simple life. They both decided to part ways with each other having an agreement that they still communicate with each other through letters. The guy joined the army while the girl continued her studies in nursing. Both of them hold on to their agreement. Unknowingly, the parents of the girl kept the letter of the guy leading to doubt and misconception of the girl that the guy probably found another one. So, the girl met someone who she fells in loved with. They were both engaged. They guy still have faith that their love is still alive. He still continued to fulfil the dreams that they both promised with the girl. He went home and constructed their dream house. When he first arrived at his home place, he looked for the girl. Unluckily, he found the girl kissing with another guy. Depressed as he looked and feel; he still managed to finish renovating their dream house. On the marriage day of the girl, she had a glimpsed of the news paper. She then saw a picture of a house for sale with the guy selling it. He felt shocked and collapsed after she saw the picture. Because of that incident, the wedding was postponed. She then asked for time and space to his future husband for settling things first. She went back to the guy that she first fell in love with. They met with each other. They have their first impressions. These impressions involved love and faith that it can still work put. Then came the dilemma. The girl was confused on who to choose. The guy whom she first shared her love that only her parents are the reason why they separated or the guy who helped her coped from her emotional problem then later developed loved. He picked the first guy. And at the end, she never had regrets. When they aged with their lives, the wife suffered from a chronic mental disorder whose clinical description is Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is characterize by a continuous loss of memory both the short and the long term memory. It progresses until the person dies. Good for the wife because she wrote her memories with his husband on a diary. The diary where composed of past moments that they have shared with each other when they where still young. With this diary, the husband continues to read it, hoping that he can help cure her wife from the disease. She reads the diary day by day having the same content. Sad to say, there is no treatment to this kind of disease. The wife cannot recognize that the person telling her the story was his husband. The wife also cannot recognize her children and grandchildren. There are some instances that the wife can recall the story being told by the old person which is his husband. She has flash-backs in her mind that the story being told was her story. The place where they stayed was their past house that was developed into an institution for old people or other wise known as home for the aged. Their where doctors, nurses and personnel who where in charged in taking care of the aged people. Both the husband and wife who owned the place are patients of the institution. The husband was not that defective that he should stay in the institution. But because of her love to her wife, she joined with her and involved himself with the therapy to her wife. – E N D –

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sample Q

Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) When backed by buying power, wants become A) self-esteem needs B) physical needs C) demands D) exchanges E) social needs 2) When dealing with a(n) managers must decide whether to invest in it in an attempt to build it into a star or cash cow or whether to phase it out. A) cash cow B) cat C) exclamation mark D) dog E) question mark 3) Because of increasing Americans will demand higher quality products, books, magazines, travel, personal computers, and Internet services.A) levels of education B) family size C) numbers of nontraditional females D) ethnic diversity E) social class awareness 4) Causal research Is used to A) test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships B) gather preliminary information that will help define problems C) uncover information in an unstructured way D) quantify observations that produce insights unobtainable through other forms of research E) describe marketing prob lems or situations 5) Donna wants to buy a new coat. During the stage of her purchase process she will ask her friends to recommend a store and/or a style of coat.She will search the newspaper for coat sales, and she will visit nearby stores to see what is available in her price range. A) product evaluation B) information search C) purchase decision D) need recognition E) alternative evaluation 6) When Burger King targets children, teens, adults, and seniors with deferent ads and media, it is practicing segmentation. A) behavioral 8) lifestyle C) age and life-cycle D) user status.

Medical Billing and Coding Career Essays

Medical Billing and Coding Career Essays Medical Billing and Coding Career Paper Medical Billing and Coding Career Paper The ever evolving healthcare standards and toughening competition in the field open impressive opportunities for people interested in the field. Among the fast growing professions in healthcare is medical billing and coding. The increasing sophistication of medical records on hand puts serious requirements on individuals in this field, but also drives demand for their services. Medical billing and coding professionals work with numeric codes assigned to diseases and treatment procedures. These codes are then used to help hospitals, physicians, insurance companies, and other healthcare organizations organize information, track various patients, process reimbursements, and understand the patterns of various diseases. As the job involves working with highly important numeric information, mathematical literacy and high level of organization are important. Another significant aspect is the need to understand the importance of privacy of medical records. Basic computer skills, high typing speed and familiarity with medical terminology are essential. Communication skills are another requirement as billers and coders will often have to interact with either patients or other healthcare professionals. The job is usually performed in an office environment, with regular 40-hour weeks. Overtime is also possible, especially in insurance companies. The types of organizations that require the services of medical billers and coders include â€Å"large group practices, dental offices, pharmacies, nursing homes, medical care facilities and clinics, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, insurance companies, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and health data organizations† (Medical Billing and Coding Net 2007). Physicians and licensed practitioners can also use these services. Some billers and coders can work even from home, transmitting the results of their work over the Internet. As the profession is still in the growth stage, there is no standard educational path. A course in a community college or vocational school is common before joining the field. This can last one or two years. It is usual for students to â€Å"take classes in writing and interpersonal communication, computer skills and the conventions of the coding system itself† as part of their education (Allied Health Schools 2009). A more advanced understanding of biology, anatomy and health care field may be required for advancement in the field. The long-term employment outlook in the field remains strong. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the profession grows much faster than the average US job market (Allied Health Schools 2009). The trend is supposed to continue into 2014 and is driven by growing interest in combating fraud in claims, legal consequences of erroneous billing, and investigation of abuse. According to the career website Salary. com, â€Å"the middle 50 percent of medical billers and coders earn[ed] between $35,999 and $44,562†, as of November 2008 (Allied Health Schools 2009). As it is increasingly important to use a professional with a solid skill set, most employers will require their coders to obtain a certification such as one from the National Healthcareer Association (NHA). Once earned, the certification must be maintained through continuing education. It is usual for medical billing and coding professionals to join the local chapter of the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPA). Other useful professional associations include Alliance of Claims Assistance Professionals (ACAP), American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), American Association for Medical Transcription (AAMT), American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) and others. The promotional opportunities are broad. Medical coding and billing careers can lead to the position of directors of billing or coding or more general management of back-office operations in healthcare organizations.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Me, Myself, and I - Business Grammar Rules Explained

Me, Myself, and I - Business Grammar Rules Explained Me, Myself, and I is one of the most common business grammar errors we see in business writing training sessions. What is the Difference between Me, Myself, and I? I recently found this illustrative error reading one of my favorite blogs (unnamed now, since I don't want to link the error to this otherwise wonderful blog): Can you find the error? My sister-in-law and brother surprised Eric and I with some personalized cards along with a rubber, address stamp this week from Nameless Print. The text on the cards are coral - one of my favorite colors and also the color of the bridesmaid dresses along with the rubber stamp ink. I was semi-dreading writing out all the thank you cards from the wedding (my handwriting leaves a lot to be desired), but after receiving these, I think I may enjoy it a little. The error is here: My sister-in-law and brother surprised Eric and I with some personalized cards along with a rubber, address stamp this week from Nameless Print. The text on the cards are coral - one of my favorite colors and also the color of the bridesmaid dresses along with the rubber stamp ink. I was semi-dreading writing out all the thank you cards from the wedding (my handwriting leaves a lot to be desired), but after receiving these, I think I may enjoy it a little. It should read: My sister-in-law and brother surprised Eric and me with... hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, 'bf4ee473-8e6b-46bf-b9e3-368d74d60b44', {}); Grammar Rules According to The Gregg Reference Manual and AP Style Guide: Use I, we, you, he, she, it, they (nominative/subject form personal pronoun): When the pronoun is the subject of a verb.I wrote to Eileen McIntyre. Use me, us, you, him, her, it, them (objective form personal pronoun): When the pronoun is the direct or indirect object of a verb. Larry gave Maris and us tickets for the opening.My sister-in-law and brother surprised Eric and me with... The reflexive personal pronoun myself gets tricky but just remember that myself is always used as the object of a sentence and/or as an intensive pronoun to add intensity to a sentence. Myself is never used as a subject pronoun. All personal pronouns have a matching reflexive pronoun: me - myself you - yourself you - yourselves her - herself it - itself he - himself one - oneself our - ourselves they - themselves An easy rule to remember is that the reflexive pronoun myself is always used as the object of a sentence, never the subject. I (subject) see (verb) myself (reflexive objective pronoun) eating a big chocolate cookie. You'd never write "Myself ate a big chocolate cookie." Use myself to direct the action expressed by the verb back to the subject.She found herself the only one in favor of the move. Use myself as an intensive pronoun to highlight a noun or pronoun already expressed.I will contact her myself."I will contact her" has the same meaning, but adding "myself" adds intensity. Me, Myself, and I Grammar Tip Here are two tips that will help you avoid this common me/myself/I business grammar error: Simply omit all words between the subject/verb and pronoun:My sister-in-law and brother surprised Eric and I.My sister-in-law surprised I... sounds odd to the ear. You'll know immediately that My sister-in-law surprised me... is correct. Omit the injected words for a quick check. If you were, for some odd reason, rarely allowed to include myself in business documents, you wouldn't miss it much.So, if you are confused, just don't use myself unless you are certain the usage is correct. This way, you will never write the common error:Please send the report to Karen and myself.You will know that the correct sentence is:Please send the report to Karen and me.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The impact of a high-protein breakfast on the attentiveness and memory Research Paper

The impact of a high-protein breakfast on the attentiveness and memory recall in math course of the ninth grade students in Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example The control group will be used to validate the results due to the isolation from the independent variable. The two groups will be located in various classrooms to prevent their awareness on the experiment. Students will undergo normal Math lessons and their response and attentiveness monitored and observed. The experimental research will take one month and ensure that the students take a test with the same conditions. The long period will guarantee a quantitative research due to the collection of vast amounts of information from the students, parents, and teachers. Tests will be implemented to analyze the data collected. Academic performance has been a setback that the students; teachers and guardian have tried overcome since the establishment of learning facilities. Recent research shows that the performance has been affected by physical, social, economic, cultural, and nutritional factors. Much research has been carried out in all other fields except the nutritional principles. Today, academic performance has been directly reflected the success of individuals right from the time they start studying. The current trends in academic accomplishments have made changes in the approaches of research. Nutritional factors in the educational sector have had their impacts in the start of the current century. The changes in economic and social aspects have contributed to the transformation of the nutritional approaches leading to various varieties of food products for the students. Most parents can offer decent and balanced diets to their school children. Additionally, economic stability has also led to the use of supplements and other drugs to help in the attentiveness that will improve the students performance. Schools have based their eating strategies on research carried out to show the improvement and response in students due to different meals. Cognitive

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Resource - Essay Example Social needs are the next level of need in the hierarchy. After the satisfaction of the physiological needs and the safety needs the next need is the need for meaningful relationships and to be accepted in the society. An organization’s internal work environment decides the importance of this need. When an organization has a participatory leadership style, the workers start to feel part of the organization and this helps to increase their motivation by satisfying their social needs. An organization can be used this need to increase the motivation of its workers. The management can form teams/ clubs within the organization to recognize good performers. Achievements on the job can be rewarded to increase the commitment of the employees towards their jobs. Esteem needs which follow the social needs are concerned with self-respect, feeling of personal worth, feeling of being unique and recognizable. This need can be used positively by recognition and appreciation of the workers. T he ultimate need in the hierarchy is the self-actualization needs which helps to achieve one’s full potential. This is related to the development of intrinsic capabilities which lead people to seek situations that can utilize their potential. These set of needs can be satisfied by creating opportunities for the workers who can steer ahead themselves. The levels of hierarchy in an organization should be minimized and the personnel can be empowered to plan and execute their tasks which can motivate them to achieve their full potential.

Electoral College Reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Electoral College Reform - Research Paper Example The Electoral College is the system used in the United States to elect its presidents. Generally, an electoral college refers to a set of electors with the mandate to elect a candidate to an office. Members of an Electoral College represent various interest groups or organizations with their votes weighted in specific ways. In countries where electoral colleges are used, the wishes of the general membership of a country or an entity is often ignored since the members of an electoral college are not only regarded as important but also as of the ideal wisdom needed to make better choices than the larger population. Though dating back to the historical times, there are several cases of modern electoral colleges in countries with complex regional electorates, which prefer Electoral College elections to the rather direct popular elections. The United States is perhaps the only modern state in which presidents are elected indirectly through the Electoral College system. In the U.S., the el ectors in the Electoral College represent the 50 states and the federal district of Columbia. However, each state is accorded electors corresponding to its total congressional representation in both houses. In addition to these electors, the non-state District of Columbia has three electors. In the U.S where the law requires one to marshal 270 electoral votes to win the presidency, the Electoral College generally votes for whichever contender wins the popular vote in each state (Bugh 67). This paper explores the reform needs in the Electoral College system used in U.S presidential election. Although cases of conflict with the popular vote are rather rare, having been reported only three times in over 200 years, the Electoral College system has been deemed as requiring reforms despite its being a time-honored system because of its likelihood to conflict with popular vote. Electoral College Reform Proposals Several proposals or reform options have been suggested regarding the need to reform the Electoral College in the U.S. First, the Electoral College could be reformed by altering the organization of the states in the U.S. That is, the territory should be re-divided into equally sized 50 bodies with roughly equal populations. An advantage of this proposal is that it would end the over-representation of small states and the under-representation of big states in U.S presidential and senate voting. Further, this proposal will not do away with the Electoral College; rather, it will preserve and ensure the continued existence of the unique federal system and the Electoral College (Bugh 67). In addition, there will still be a balance of authority among different government levels. What is more, the states should be re-districted after every census. However, there are several challenges and disadvantages associated with these proposals. For instance, local authorities and residents would have to deal with the shifting state procedures and laws. The other reform option s for the Electoral College system in the U.S include direct election followed by instant runoffs, proportional allocation of electoral votes, and direct vote with plurality rule, congressional district method, and national bonus plan (Ross & Will 165). Direct Election with Runoff With or without the Electoral College, instant runoff voting is a highly recommended approach to elections in the U.S. In this system, voters would be required to rank their preferred candidates so that in case no candidate emerges a clear winner and whoever has the lowest number of votes is automatically eliminated. Counting begins again during which second choice votes, which indicate the eliminated candidate as first choice are tallied. This process continues until a candidate with majority votes emerges. This system has the advantage of reducing time and resource wastages. The hallmark of most of the proposed replacements of the Electoral Col

The influence of user generated content on the hotels image by using Dissertation

The influence of user generated content on the hotels image by using travel search engines - Dissertation Example If you post ideas, comments, questions, data, graphs, opinions, creations, customizations, ID or other information (such as information on bulletin boards, discussion forums) (hereinafter referred to as "User Generated Content"), on the site, or if you send to any company this user-generated content via the site, it will become the property of that organization. As a standard, the user-generated content is assumed to be non-confidential and we have the right to use or disclose in any manner whatsoever, without representation or notice. The user-generated content or other information should not be offensive, pornographic, defamatory, profane, illegal or may violate applicable law, whether governed civil, criminal or religious. User-generated content (UGC) is to become a more important tool for travel marketers, as consumers rely more on independent advice. User-generated content is a delicate area for travel marketers, as there is a risk of negative reviews of destinations or hotels. However, the popularity of sites such as Trip Advisor has forced brands to rethink their strategies. With the advancement of contemporary hospitality industry user generated content has turn out to be one of the significant features and requirement in marketing mix and status management strategy of a hotel. While there are many benefits of UGC and it plays an important role in the marketing and the reputation of the business there are some important points that must be considered for User-generated content. As not all the information is accurate or credible hence user generated content can develop a negative impact on the business of hotels. In order to acquire immunity from these ramifications one must keep in the view that in User-generated content all the available content is not authentic and some reviewers may have some other reasons and motivations which might develop adverse effects on the business. A good approach when dealing with such critical situations and making the condition work for your gain is essential. Inaccuracies can take place if the chance presents itself you r reaction may make all the difference to how future readers read, understand and interpret the written message. Another important aspect that needs to be mentioned here is that excessive positive and appreciating remarks over a small time period or only positive remarks may raise doubt to the strength of the comments as this gives a feeling that the remarks are not original and added intentionally for the purpose of making good business. This is the fact that customers avoid hotels if they feel an hotelier has so many reviews that are same and positive. Some negative comments work intends to create a marketing balance, particularly if the response of hotelier gives you an idea about real concern and an effort to rectify or correct the situation. A readiness to get better and an interactive tone in the communication process is a good signal for most prospective customers. In the subsequent phases of our discussion we would be looking at the different ways in which the hospitality in dustry can have an impact upon small countries such as Dominican Republic in developing their tourism sector. Secondly, ways through which UGC has an impact upon consumer behavior will also be a part of the formulated research questions. UGC after the advent of Web 2.0 A recent survey shows that out of 78% of companies use electronic channels, web marketing and email for their marketing purposes (Witkowski, 2007).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Road to Civil War Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Road to Civil War - Term Paper Example The weighty constitutional compromises were the Missouri Compromise of 1820, Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and repeal of the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri compromise of 1820 was as a result of an application for statehood made by Missouri in 1817. It was the first territory to apply for statehood within the area of Louisiana Purchase. This provoked the anger among northern states politicians because the main agenda of Southern leaders were to have a state with no restriction on slavery. Missouri application resulted to a fiery debate between the north and south over the issue of slavery in the new territories admitted as states to the union. Slavery was the most divisive issue between northern and southern States in early 1800s,and it threatened to break the union because of their differences regarding the slaves. Northern states were against slavery, and they wanted to have it outlawed. The Missouri application also led to controversy in congress over the s lave states with Congressman James Talmadge of New York seeking for additional provision in the Missouri statehood bill specifically restricting further buying of slaves into Missouri. His amendment also sought to have children of slave’s already in Missouri be set free at age of 25. Although the house of representative had approved the amendment, the senate rejected them and voted in favor of southern thus allowing slavery in Missouri. Southern senators were also blocking the statehood of Maine though a compromise was worked out for it during the congress meeting of late 1819. The compromise resolved that Maine would enter the union as Free State, while the Missouri would enter as a slave state (Alexander and Rucker 340). Alabama joined the union as a slave a state, making the number of slave states and Free states equal. The Missouri Compromise agreement helped is regulating the spread of slavery into the other parts Louisiana Purchase. This was achieved because the agreeme nt had stated clearly that no any new territory was to be admitted in the union from Missouri’s southern border. The congressional compromise over slavery also helped in setting a precedent that congress could control slavery in new territories and states (Schultz 480). The Missouri Compromise was exceedingly fruitful as it managed to contain the issue of slavery for three decades thus preventing eruption of war between northern and southern states. The Compromise of 1850 was second, and it was as a result of the end, of the Mexican –American war in 1848. It consisted of a series of bills which were passed by congress in their attempt to determine whether the western territories surrendered by America after the end of the war will enter the union as free or slave states. The legislation was highly controversial, and it passed after a lot of struggles as it was destined to be unpopular. The legislation consisted of five laws, which managed to balance the interest of Fre e states and slave states. The compromise resulted to admission of California to the union as a free state; Texas was paid $10 million as financial compensation for abandoning claims to lands west of the Rio Grande, organisation of new territory of Mexico without prohibition of slavery, elimination of slavery in Washington, D.C., and passing of the fugitive Slave

Differences between b2b marketing and b2c marketing Essay

Differences between b2b marketing and b2c marketing - Essay Example You need to distinguish first whom your target client is, then evaluate why this specific client needs to heed your point. From that point, the promoting exercises take center stage. While enthusiastic variables have substantial influence in a shoppers choice to buy an item, B2B acquiring choices is less passionate and more errand-situated. Protracted and complex deals cycles help to develop solid B2B vender purchaser connections and brand unwaveringness contrasted with B2C marketing. Nonetheless, B2C and B2B marketing targets both reflect the essential standards of the marketing blend. An authoritative objective of B2C promoting is to change over clients into consistent purchasers as commandingly and dependably as could be permitted. Adjei and Clark (2010) highlighted that B2C organizations utilize additional marketing exercises such as coupons, showcases, storefronts (both physical and online), and presents to allure the target business sector to purchase products. B2C promoting battles are focused on the means of trade that have a short span, and the urge to catch the clients advantage quickly. These crusades regularly offer exceptional arrangements, rebates, or tickets, which could be utilized both on the internet and as a part of the store. Case in point, the objective of using an email address battle to advertise a B2C organization is to acquire shoppers to purchase the item promptly. The address will direct buyers to a greeting page on the location intended to offer the item and make buying simple by coordinating the shopping truck and evaluation page that l ands them into the stream of the exchange. Anything beyond a few clicks will make the clients be prone to relinquish the shopping truck. One fascinating part of B2C advertising, nonetheless, is that numerous organizations have understood the significance of faithfulness. In spite of the fact that the objective of B2B promoting is to change prospects into

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The influence of user generated content on the hotels image by using Dissertation

The influence of user generated content on the hotels image by using travel search engines - Dissertation Example If you post ideas, comments, questions, data, graphs, opinions, creations, customizations, ID or other information (such as information on bulletin boards, discussion forums) (hereinafter referred to as "User Generated Content"), on the site, or if you send to any company this user-generated content via the site, it will become the property of that organization. As a standard, the user-generated content is assumed to be non-confidential and we have the right to use or disclose in any manner whatsoever, without representation or notice. The user-generated content or other information should not be offensive, pornographic, defamatory, profane, illegal or may violate applicable law, whether governed civil, criminal or religious. User-generated content (UGC) is to become a more important tool for travel marketers, as consumers rely more on independent advice. User-generated content is a delicate area for travel marketers, as there is a risk of negative reviews of destinations or hotels. However, the popularity of sites such as Trip Advisor has forced brands to rethink their strategies. With the advancement of contemporary hospitality industry user generated content has turn out to be one of the significant features and requirement in marketing mix and status management strategy of a hotel. While there are many benefits of UGC and it plays an important role in the marketing and the reputation of the business there are some important points that must be considered for User-generated content. As not all the information is accurate or credible hence user generated content can develop a negative impact on the business of hotels. In order to acquire immunity from these ramifications one must keep in the view that in User-generated content all the available content is not authentic and some reviewers may have some other reasons and motivations which might develop adverse effects on the business. A good approach when dealing with such critical situations and making the condition work for your gain is essential. Inaccuracies can take place if the chance presents itself you r reaction may make all the difference to how future readers read, understand and interpret the written message. Another important aspect that needs to be mentioned here is that excessive positive and appreciating remarks over a small time period or only positive remarks may raise doubt to the strength of the comments as this gives a feeling that the remarks are not original and added intentionally for the purpose of making good business. This is the fact that customers avoid hotels if they feel an hotelier has so many reviews that are same and positive. Some negative comments work intends to create a marketing balance, particularly if the response of hotelier gives you an idea about real concern and an effort to rectify or correct the situation. A readiness to get better and an interactive tone in the communication process is a good signal for most prospective customers. In the subsequent phases of our discussion we would be looking at the different ways in which the hospitality in dustry can have an impact upon small countries such as Dominican Republic in developing their tourism sector. Secondly, ways through which UGC has an impact upon consumer behavior will also be a part of the formulated research questions. UGC after the advent of Web 2.0 A recent survey shows that out of 78% of companies use electronic channels, web marketing and email for their marketing purposes (Witkowski, 2007).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Differences between b2b marketing and b2c marketing Essay

Differences between b2b marketing and b2c marketing - Essay Example You need to distinguish first whom your target client is, then evaluate why this specific client needs to heed your point. From that point, the promoting exercises take center stage. While enthusiastic variables have substantial influence in a shoppers choice to buy an item, B2B acquiring choices is less passionate and more errand-situated. Protracted and complex deals cycles help to develop solid B2B vender purchaser connections and brand unwaveringness contrasted with B2C marketing. Nonetheless, B2C and B2B marketing targets both reflect the essential standards of the marketing blend. An authoritative objective of B2C promoting is to change over clients into consistent purchasers as commandingly and dependably as could be permitted. Adjei and Clark (2010) highlighted that B2C organizations utilize additional marketing exercises such as coupons, showcases, storefronts (both physical and online), and presents to allure the target business sector to purchase products. B2C promoting battles are focused on the means of trade that have a short span, and the urge to catch the clients advantage quickly. These crusades regularly offer exceptional arrangements, rebates, or tickets, which could be utilized both on the internet and as a part of the store. Case in point, the objective of using an email address battle to advertise a B2C organization is to acquire shoppers to purchase the item promptly. The address will direct buyers to a greeting page on the location intended to offer the item and make buying simple by coordinating the shopping truck and evaluation page that l ands them into the stream of the exchange. Anything beyond a few clicks will make the clients be prone to relinquish the shopping truck. One fascinating part of B2C advertising, nonetheless, is that numerous organizations have understood the significance of faithfulness. In spite of the fact that the objective of B2B promoting is to change prospects into

P&I payment Essay Example for Free

PI payment Essay Technology is pervading all levels of mathematics teaching and learning in our modern world, bringing ever more sharply into focus the change from traditional pencil and paper learning to a mixture of calculator, computer and pencil and paper learning environments. Currently the loan has 25 years remaining. Therefore to find out the PI payment, you would plug in 300 for N (2512), 5.75% for I, 0 for FV, and $112,242.47 for PV, and then press PMT which gives you the $706.12. However, we want to find out how much more money they have to pay to pay off the loan in 20 years instead of 25. Therefore change N to 240 (2012) instead of 300. Then press PMT and we should get $788.04. Next, subtract the PI payment they are making now (706.12) from $788.04, which tells you they need to pay $81.92 extra towards the principal each month to have the loan paid off in 20 years instead of 25. This may be reasonable. $81.92 is pretty close to $100 so there really isn’t a lot of wiggle room after meeting the monthly expenses. However, it’s important to note that if you do this way (instead of refinancing), you are not obligated to pay this $81.92 each month if you needed it for something else. Since refinancing costs you $2,000 up-front, we’ll have to add this to the payoff of 112,242.47. This would cause the PV of the loan to be 114,242.47. The new loan would be based on the 30 years, so plug 360 in for N. FV will still be 0. In order to find the highest interest rate you can qualify for that still gives you a PI payment less than your current payment, let’s put in a payment of $706.11 (one penny less than the current payment). This gives us a maximum interest rate of 6.29%. By looking at interest rates in today’s markets, they seem to be around four percent. This is much less than the maximum amount required. At four percent, with $2,000 in closing costs, the new PI payment would be $545.41. This is a monthly savings of $160.71. You almost make up your money, or recoup the cost of refinancing, after a year of payments. This fact, along with the fact that you will be struggling to make these extra principal payments the other way, it makes more sense to refinance if you want to pay off your loan in 20 years instead of 25.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Personality Factors for a Leader

Personality Factors for a Leader Nature of Leadership: Laurie J. Mullins states that Leadership is a relationship through which one person influences the behavior or actions of other people (Mullins 2010: 373). He says that Leadership is all about determination, personality and innate ability at the right time for a particular competitive situation. Many effective business leaders have no formal academic qualifications and each has their own individual leadership style. Leaders can motivate their followers and can design organizational contexts and make them function effectively. Criterion of leadership: Though there are lot many criterion for leadership, we in our group selected a few of them. VISION: A good leader should work hard at communicating their vision for the organization to all staff at all levels. He has to understand that their vision must appeal to the staff at both an emotional and practical level. Basically a leader has to understand the culture and values of his organization and its impact on its future development. He has to recognize blind alleys. MOTIVATION: A leader has to understand that every member has a different set of motivational stimuli, motivate them accordingly. He has to explain his decisions in terms of their benefit to the organization and its members. Most importantly a leader has to find out the flaws if any or celebrate and reward individual and team achievements. EMPOWEREMENT: An empowered leader should believe that people generally respond well when given greater responsibility for their own performance without disturbing the organizations model. For that he has to allocate sufficient resources to training and development and get a buzz when staff set and achieve their own goals. He should realize that the organization would still function if you were not there. COMMUNICATIONS: One of the most important criteria for a leader is communication skill. He has to use his communication influence to encourage two way communications at all levels in your organization. He has to encourage personal contact rather than written, mechanical or technological alternatives. Finally has to encourage a diversity of opinion and constructive criticism and walk the talk. RELATIONSHIPS: A successful leader should work hard at countering a them and us culture within your organization and maintain relationships inside and outside his team. He has to set clear codes of acceptable conduct and take action against breaches of them and stress that everyone contributes to the success of the team(s) they belong to. One of the most important qualities of a leader is that he should be able to admit a mistake when you make it. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Mullins describes emotional intelligence as abilities such as being able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations; to control impulse and delay gratification; to regulate ones moods and keep distress from swamping the ability to think; to empathize and to hope. (Mullins 2010: 144). Emotional intelligence is the ability to think, handle situations either in frustrations or success emotionally. A leader should have this emotional intelligence so as to lead his team in critical situations. ATTITUDE: Attitudes are learned throughout life and are embodied within socialization process. They can be defined as providing a state of readiness or tendency to respond in a particular ways.(Mullins 2010: 145). A result oriented leader should have knowledge, should be expressive, should be instrumental, and ego defensive. TEAMWORK: A good leader is the one who has to create an understanding of working in groups and teams. It is necessary for him to recognize the nature of human relationships, functions, roles and factors that influence team performance and effectiveness. TIME MANAGEMENT: Time management is one of the key factors for a good leader. They should not only manage their own time but also manage their staff or teams time. They have to establish key tasks, set objectives, identify performance standards, check for constraints and decide on action plans. PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS: Problem-solving is the removal of the barrier. A result- oriented leader should have good problem solving skills as the success of his mission depends on the problems they face and the way he solve. It may be an internal weakness, or any external threat. Group Feedback and My Capabilities: The group members in our group say that I have good visionary qualities and they say that I always plan for the future. I think that whatever plan I am making should be useful not only to me but for others and my plan should be like a generalized theory and have proofs. Coming to motivation, our group members feel that I can motivate them with my verbal skills and also induce confidence into them. One of the group member reviews me that I also reward and always give them a good feedback. My group members have trust on me and are able to rely on me and I feel that I have good empowerment skills. Whenever I lead them I dont feel authoritative rather I feel responsible which makes me a successful leader. I feel that empowerment should not be taken by yourself; members around you should choose you. I use my verbal skills and my body language in an effective manner so as to put on my thought in front of them. They will be always encouraged and convinced with my presentation skills and so I can make use them for the maximum extent so as to accomplish our mission. In any context whether it may be in formal situations, informal situations, in an organization, in completing a group activity, I feel the most important part is maintaining relations within a group. I have won my group members and they vote me positively in these criteria. I feel that as a leader, whatever I do should be convinced among my group members and the plan should be transparent. I feel that no group member should be in dark side. One of my group members states that I possess a bit low emotional intelligence. I dont agree with them completely because there are no such relevant situations where I got a chance to exhibit them. I have a few real time examples where I was chosen to convince people and I succeeded i n that. When coming to attitude, each person in our group has different viewpoints regarding this criterion. One says that I am egoistic. It might not be a false judgment but its true in some issues. I am a bit EGOISTIC person, but the way I exhibit it depends on the situations and more member in our group says that I calm down when things doesnt go well and look for a chance or a solution. That is also true and it happens most of the time when handling worthless issues. The other member says that my attitude is good and positive always. I feel that attitude varies accordingly with peoples mindset and it is the way how they receive. Team playing is one of the best qualities which I possess. My group members also agree with this statement. They say that I am always ready to help them irrelevant of the situation. I feel that in a team di Coming to time management, I am a bit lazy person which is a drawback for being a leader. But my group members except one, praise me that I am good at managing time. May be, only one member found out my drawback and it is true. Actual reason is I need a small push up to start of my work which I am trying to rectify it. I am good at allocating time resources but poor at implementing it within given constraints. When I deal with any problematic situations, I come out of the situation and analyze the problem, find the causes, starting from the basics, question myself and solve the problem and my group members accessed me the same. But I feel every time that I have to improve my problem solving skills. I dont get satisfied at any point of time and thinks of a better way to solve a problem. I give feedback to myself most of the time. Conclusion: Overall there are lots of important qualities like VISION, MOTIVATION, RELATIONSHIPS, and COMMUNICATION SKILLS in me which make me to emerge as a successful leader, though I have a few qualities like ATTITUDE, TIME MANAGEMENT which needs to be improved. In this present scenario one should have to develop lot many qualities other than these mentioned and emerge out as a Good Leader in this changing world.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Go to school or go to work :: essays papers

Go to school or go to work Go to School or Go to Work? During the 1930s many people started families and worked in factories. Many of those people now wish they had gone to college. Now, in today’s society many young adults graduate high school and go off to college. However, many think college is one big party. Many young adults go to college there freshmen year and lose the concept of reality and why college is important. They throw the books down and replace that knowledge with mixing drinks. Unfortunately, college is the only way to succeed at many above average professions. Anyone can work at a fast food restaurant or a grocery store. Can anyone be a lawyer or doctor? After going to grammar, middle, and high school a person can be very tired of school and want to get a job. Why keep yourself from learning farther? A major factor that keeps many people from going to college is laziness. One has to discipline and encourage oneself to keep the motivation level up. If one lacks that, than that is laziness on that persons behalf. It is like taking a test for school and receiving an F, because that person was too lazy to study. Yes, college is not easy, but who said it is supposed to be. It seems like an endless long haul, but it goes by fairly fast. If the motivation and discipline is among one, then the rest just comes during the college experience. The majority of people who have not gone to college are for the most part lazy. That does not say every single person that is not or has not went to college is completely lazy, but for the most part many are. College is a few years not a decayed or the rest of someone’s life. It is a commitm ent, which should be done through, and then the rest just comes. In high school working at the mall folding the name brand clothes working to earn money to pay car insurance and to go out was the thing to do. Imagine doing that the rest of your life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Differences In Animal Phyla Essay -- essays research papers

Because they are grouped in the same kingdom, the nine animal phyla share the same fundamental characteristics- they are multicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes that obtain nutrients through ingestion, they lack cell walls, they have nervous tissue and muscle tissue, and they reproduce sexually and have a unique embryonic life cycle. However, the animal phyla have a great number of differences as well. Some are visible to the naked eye, while others are less obvious, and still more cannot even be seen after embryonic development. What are these differences, and how did they shape the development of the phylogenetic tree? In animals, the embryo becomes layered through the process of gastrulation, or the formation of the two layered, cup-shaped embryonic stage from a blastula. These layers are called germ layers. Most animals are triploblastic, meaning they have three germs layers. These are the ectoderm, the endoderm, and the mesoderm. The ectoderm is the outermost layers which forms the body’s covering and the central nervous system. The endoderm is the innermost germ layer. It forms the digestive tube and gives rise to most organs. The third layer, the mesoderm, exists between the endoderm and ectoderm. It forms the muscles and most other organs towards the upper layer of the animal. Diploblastic animals, or animals with only two germ layers, lack mesoderm. There are only two diploblastic phyla: Porifera, the sponges, and Cnidaria, the â€Å"bag animals.† All other animals are ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Vermont Teddy Bear Brief

Vermont Teddy Bear Company From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Vermont Teddy Bear Company Type Privately held company IndustryManufacturing, retail Founded1981 HeadquartersShelburne, Vermont ProductsTeddy bears Owner(s)The Mustang Group Subsidiaries Calyx & Corolla Gift Bag Boutique PajamaGram TastyGram WebsiteVermont Teddy Bear Company The Vermont Teddy Bear Company is one of the largest producers of teddy bears and the largest seller of teddy bears by mail order and Internet. The company handcrafts each of its teddy bears and produces almost 500,000 teddy bears each year.The company was formerly traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker symbol BEAR, but was taken private by The Mustang Group, a Boston-based private equity firm, on September 30, 2005, partially to avoid the reporting requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The company was founded in 1981 by John Sortino, who sold handcrafted teddy bears in an open-air market in Burlington, Ve rmont. Sortino happened upon the idea of packaging and selling bears through the mail when a tourist visiting Burlington wanted a bear mailed to her home.The concept was called the â€Å"Bear-Gram†, which features the customized teddy bear placed in a box (complete with an â€Å"air hole†) and stuffed with other goodies. By 1995, the company moved into its new headquarters in Vermont's Champlain Valley. The company has two factories: one in Shelburne and one in Newport. The Shelburne factory is an especially popular tourist destination, and also served as a concert site for the annual Vermont Mozart Festival. The company also maintained two retail locations in Vermont – Shelburne and on the main road between Waterbury and Stowe.VTB acquired Calyx & Corolla, an upscale flower company headquartered in Vero Beach, Florida in 2003. Ironically, one of Vermont Teddy Bear's marketing slogans claimed that sending a teddy bear is â€Å"a creative alternative to sending flowers. † In 2005, the company launched a new sister company, Gift Bag Boutique, which offered handbags and purses along with many make-up accessories. Along with PajamaGram, which sold gift pajamas, and TastyGram, which offered gourmet food gifts, the creation of this sister company brought the total number of companies under the Vermont Teddy Bear umbrella to five.Gift Bag Boutique and TastyGram stopped accepting orders as of June 26, 2008. [1] â€Å"Crazy† Controversy For Valentine's Day of 2005, Vermont Teddy Bear caused widespread controversy by offering a â€Å"Crazy for You† Bear. The bear was offered dressed in a white strait jacket with a red heart embroidered onto the front of the jacket. A tag entitled â€Å"Commitment Papers† came with the bear. The tag read â€Å"Can't eat, can't sleep, my heart's racing. Diagnosis – crazy for you. â€Å"[2] Mental health groups from all over the U. S. sked for the bear to be pulled out of production and removed from VTB's website. Many groups called for a boycott of the company. They claimed that the bear made light of the suffering caused by severe mental illness and contributed to the stigma that people with mental illness often encounter. The company's response was that there was no offense intended and it was merely a play on the phrase â€Å"I'm crazy about you. † The company claimed that the bear was intended to be a light-hearted depiction of the sentiment of love.When asked to remove the bear from their inventory, VTB responded by keeping their existing stock up for sale although they stated that they would not make any more in the future. The price of the bears from VTB was US$69. 95. After the company sold out, which happened within just a few days of the story hitting the news, the eBay bids reached several hundred dollars. Elizabeth Robert, the CEO and CFO of VTB was serving as a member of Vermont's largest hospital, Fletcher Allen Health Care, at the time o f this incident.In response to the significant controversy she resigned from the board. [3] Advertising VTB was listed amongst â€Å"‘a broad range of direct marketers' pitched by the show’s hosts themselves† who were taking out more ads on talk radio in 2010, according to Dan Metter, director of talk-radio sales of Premiere Radio Networks. Conservative radio hosts were seeing an uptick in listener numbers and advertising in the lead-up to the year's midterm elections. Premiere is the syndicator of the top three talk-radio shows — hosted respectively by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. [4]

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Senior Year – Memory Book

The final year of high school has now come. When my parent's told me that high school would fly by, they weren't kidding. I never put much thought into the fact that high school is a mere four years of my life. In the grand scheme of things, it's hardly any time at all. Although It really did fly by, I have enough memories to last a lifetime. I remember walking through the doors on my very first day of school as a freshman. I walked into room 315 and sat down in my first period class. It was world history and Mrs.. Francis was my teacher. I sat down, scared out of my mind, and waited for the bell to ring.That first bell tone signified the beginning of my high school career. My schedule was extremely easy first semester. I had Foods, Business Management, Consumer De, Lunch, Gym, Warrior Warehouse, English and Algebra 2. I had some incredible teachers, which included Mrs.. Tradeoff, Mr.. Gross, Mrs.. Burr, Mrs.. Chart and Mr.. Mere. I have had so much fun and I loved having each of the m. When second semester rolled around, It wasn't so easy. I only had four real classes, but a few of them were tough. My schedule went along the lines of Foods, Government, College Com H, Lunch, CICS, Warrior Warehouse, Gym, and Algebra 2.This year I was lucky enough to have Mrs.. Tradeoff, Mr.. Burr, Mrs.. Myers, Mr.. Hosking's and Mr.. Myrrh. They have been one amazing group of teachers. I learned so much from each and every one of them and I could not thank them enough. The beginning of my senior year, I was asked to be in the warrior warehouse Instead of having a study hall. Mr.. V called me down to his office and I remember being so scared because I never even knew where his office was. He then asked me to be In there and I said yes. I was thrilled because I have always thought I was a great leader and knew that I had a full Job to take on.It was my responsibility to make ere I did not let anyone steal and when a problem occurred I let Mr.. V know Immediately. It was such an ho nor that he asked me to be In there and let alone ask me again for the rest of the year. High school has been an emotional roller coaster for me. Eve stayed up until two a. M. Working on assignments, crying over boys, and deciding what to wear for picture day. I have met and lost friends throughout my four-year Journey, and I have changed more than I ever thought I would. However, the most important part of high school has been learning who I am. As clichà ©Ã‚ © as it may sound, high school is the place whereI found myself. Eve flourished with my strengths and struggled with my weaknesses. Though it was difficult at times, and I wanted to give up often, It was all worth It. High school has been full of crazy events, From the SST. Baldric's day rallies to the four and a half hour ACT, it has been one memorable journey. T Off It seems like only yesterday I was reading Romeo and Juliet in Mr.. Rebecca English class. Now, I am Just months away from graduating and starting my life. My g randpa once told me that I would spend four years trying to get out of high school, and the rest of my life trying to get back in.He was exactly right. I thought high school would be a drag and I would never get out. Being Just months away from graduating, I wish I could start all over. Although it has been an incredibly dramatic and emotional Journey for me, I don't regret a single moment of my high school career. I have had the chance to meet some amazing students and teachers. I have coasted through classes, and I have been pushed to my limit. I learned that learning has no boundaries and the things I learn in school will definitely come into play later in life. I Just wish I had taken a second to stop and look around. High school really did fly by.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Cesar Chavezs Use of Antithesis and Diction to Portray His Beliefs on the Argument on Why Nonviolent Resistance Trumps Violent Resistance

Cesar Chavez's Use of Antithesis and Diction to Portray His Beliefs on the Argument on Why Nonviolent Resistance Trumps Violent Resistance Ten years following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., people still protested and empathized on behalf of his death, but labor union organizer and civil rights leader Cesar Chavez argues as to why nonviolent resistance, trumps violent resistance. Chavez is able to portray his belief to the people through his strong use of antithesis and diction, and while even alluding to a historical leader whose views and beliefs are still extremely well known today. Through his use of strong rhetoric, and specific examples Chavez is able to solidify his argument in favor of nonviolent resistance. Throughout the article, Chavez uses antithesis to contrast the cons of violent resistance, with the pros of his argument for nonviolent resistance. Chavez first shines light to one of the pros of nonviolent resistance when he claims that, â€Å"Nonviolence provides the opportunity to stay on the offensive, and that is of crucial importance to win any contest.† Chavez is trying to get the point across that it is better to stay on good, and safe terms, rather than â€Å"fighting fire with fire,† because that can easily get violent, dangerous, and out of hand fast. Chavez juxtaposes this idea of being civil and not, â€Å"fighting fire with fire,† with cons of violent resistance when he says that, â€Å"If we resort to violence then one of two things will happen, either the violence will be escalated and there will be many injuries and perhaps death on both sides, or there will be total demoralization of the workers.† Both the outcomes that Chavez portrays as a result of violent resistance are bad, and Chavez takes advantage of this situation in order to continue advocating for nonviolent resistance by soon after stating, â€Å"Nonviolence has exactly the opposite effect.† Chavez finally puts to rest his portrayal of the negative consequences of violent resistance after he says, â€Å"Violence does not work in the long run and if it is temporarily successful, it replaces on violent form of power with another just as violent.† This statement ends his juxtaposition against violent resistance, leaving the reader with a chance to think about the truth of this statement, and as seen through history this statement proves rather accurate. Chavez uses strong diction in an effort to persuade the reader to advocate for nonviolent resistance. When Chavez first begins to argue against violent resistance, he uses powerful words such as â€Å"escalated,† and â€Å"demoralization,† to describe the negative effects of violent resistance. The words have a negative connotation in the context that they are used, which adds to the argument against violent resistance. Chavez uses this diction in this specific paragraph because this is the first time he truly introduces the idea of violent resistance, and he wants to immediately make it appear bad, and negative. Another instance in which Chavez uses strong diction is when he uses the words â€Å"frustration,† and â€Å"impatience,† in order to express how he is aware of how people feel frustrated, impatient, and angry, but he follows this up by saying that is no reason to resort to violent resistance, because eventually things will work out. It is throu gh his strong use of diction, that Chavez is further able to leave a lasting impression on the reader as to why nonviolent resistance is a far more reasonable, and effective form of resistance. Chavez continues to argue in favor of nonviolent resistance, by alluding to Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most famous men in the world, who is known for his firm stance on nonviolent resistance. Gandhi was able to lead India to its independence without any use of violence. By alluding to Gandhi, Chavez is making an effort to prove to readers that things can get done without the use of violence, and the story of Gandhi shows just that. Chavez’s use of antithesis clearly portrays his reasoning as to how the pros of nonviolent resistance, outweigh the many cons of violent resistance, and through his use of strong diction, and an allusion that shows historical proof that nonviolent resistance is an effective strategy, Chavez is able to make a strong case for nonviolent resistance.