Saturday, February 15, 2020

Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project - Essay Example After then, Net Present Value (NPV) for the whole project is computed. Financial and non-financial risks factors are discussed while highlight the issues that may hinder the overall progress and benefits attached with this project. Recommendation is the last part of this report in which the discussion is provided which focuses on the acceptance or rejection of this project. 1. Present Value of Cost of Project The cost of building a new facility in the form of electricity generator is compromised on two years cost. The cost of first year is $25 million whereas the cost for the second year is $28 million. If the time value of money factor is set aside, the total cost of building such generator is $53 million. After discounting this cost with the cost of capital of 8%, the present value is found to be $50.93. The following is the supporting calculations used to compute the present value of building up the generator. Years Cost of Generator    Discount Factor (8%)    Discounted Value of Cost    Present Value of Cost 0 -25 x 1.0000 = -25.00 = -50.93 1 -28 x 0.9259 = -25.93       2. Present Value of After-tax Cash Flows It is expected that after-tax profits earned by selling the electricity would continue over a period of 9 years once the generator facility is built. By leaving out the factor of time value of money, the total profits earned in the form of cash flows from the generator amounts to $75 million. However, if cash flows pertaining to each year are discounted by the cost of capital of 8%, it decreases the value of $75 million a lot such that the present value is summed up to barely $47.16 million. The following is the comprehensive computation, which is used for calculating the present value of sales of electricity. Years After-tax Profits    Discount Factor (8%)    Discounted Cash Flows    Present Value of Cash Flows 2 6 x 0.8573 = 5.14 = 47.16 3 7 x 0.7938 = 5.56    4 8 x 0.7350 = 5.88    5 9 x 0.6806 = 6.13    6 9 x 0.6302 = 5.67    7 9 x 0.5835 = 5.25    8 9 x 0.5403 = 4.86    9 9 x 0.5002 = 4.50    10 9 x 0.4632 = 4.17       3. Net Present Value Net present value computed for the overall project is computed as negative $3.76. Net present value states the amount, which depicts whether the project provides the excess of cash inflows over the cost of building the generator facility after considering the element of time value of money. Following are the detailed computations for calculating the NPV of the project under consideration: Years Cost of Generator After-tax cash flows Discount Factor (8%) Discounted Cash Flows NPV 0 -25 1.0000 -25.00 -3.76 1 -28 0.9259 -25.93    2 6 0.8573 5.14    3 7 0.7938 5.56    4 8 0.7350 5.88    5 9 0.6806 6.13    6 9 0.6302 5.67    7 9 0.5835 5.25    8 9 0.5403 4.86    9 9 0.5002 4.50    10    9 0.4632 4.17    4. Risks The project of building up a new generator facility, which is expected to work for the next ten years bring several risk factors . These factors can be split into two major categories namely as financial and non-financial factors. Financial risk factors are given below followed by the non-financial factors. Financial Factors a) Cost of Capital One of the most important risk factors associated with such financial projections is the estimating the most appropriate cost of capital, which is used as discount factor to discount the cash flows and initial investment in order to compute the present values. It is extremely subjective to estimate the cost of capit

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Mid term Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mid term - Essay Example To address the demonizing of government by those enjoying the fruits of a system created for the good of all people, is similar to the analogy of biting the hand that feeds you. At his inaugural address in 1981, Ronald Reagan stated, â€Å"Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem,† and with that premise began the anti-government sentiment that is still alive today. Not in an anarchical sense, rather a frustration felt among certain people or groups that have determined nothing good coming from the feds. One must take into consideration all of the productive or good aspects of government before branding the leadership in Washington as the evil empire determined to destroy all society. Without the power within our government to implement change or assist the people of the United States in times of need would call for the shallow attempts at placing blame for the woes of the masses; however, the opposite is true. Such legislative authority builds roads, provides health care, supplies clean water, finances entitlements and Social Security payments, without those services and many others our nation would join the statistics of the third-world countries. The Tea Party agenda desires less government and more freedom to control our collective destiny, by lessening the footprint of government, a utopia will emerge in society; nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, to eliminate any major function of government such as Social Security leaving retirement savings to the individual would be catastrophic. Not to mention the security afforded by a strong military and law enforcement that if minimized would jeopardize millions of lives. Freedom, when applied in logical terms, can be achieved in the most restrictive governmental ideology. Our misconception of the U.S.S.R. during the Cold War and prior to the removal of the Berlin Wall was home to millions that went to school, shopped at local stores, and