Thursday, May 21, 2020

My Writing For My Life - 870 Words

My late grandma, Jan got me into writing when I was only ten years old. My writing methods in addition to my sentence structures have evolved throughout the years; however, I never really paid attention to my strengths and weakness as a writer until I first entered 16SP Composition I (ENGL-112-A). My first assigned essay was a reflection piece. Unfortunately, I lost my papa due to alcoholism; hence, why I wrote about how his death in impacted in my first project. While looking over the graded assignment, I noticed I had different strengths and weakness then I thought I had. Using the resources I have been given will help me strengthen the four strengths I notice; in addition to, fixing the four weakness that I dislike having. The main reason I write is that I can escape from the world around m as well as letting of the feeling at are locked up inside of me. The first strength I noticed throughout my different assignments is that I produce excellent introduction starting statements. I begin to write almost all my assignments with quotes because quotes are the fancies. â€Å"We’re past the age of heroes and hero kings. †¦ Most of our lives are basically mundane and dull, and it’s up to the writer to find ways to make them interesting.†(John Updike, WD) – this is the opening to the first paper I wrote for this class. Sentence combinations is my second strength I use when I write. While reading my first writing assignment, in paragraph two I have the sentence: When someone choosesShow MoreRelatedMy Writing Experience : My Experience In My Life921 Words   |  4 PagesHuman, throughout life there are many skills that are critical to acquire, during childhood and as you become older. One of the most important and useful skill you will need is writing. From first, learning to write words and sentences, to more advanced writing like essays. Everyone learns to write a little differently, some ways are learning from your parents or learning words and letters in kindergarten. 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