Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Novikov Telegram, September 27, 1946 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Novikov Telegram, September 27, 1946 - Essay Example The proof he uses to legitimize this viewpoint comes from the â€Å"the genuine meaning† of the cases of the American administration of the option to lead the world. These words have been followed up by the enrolling of the military, the aviation based armed forces, the naval force, industry, and science in America to serve this drawn out objective of the American international strategy. Moreover Novikov refers to the presence of â€Å"broad plans† for the extension prompting global control, and the utilization of strategy in actualizing these plans by the setting up an arrangement of air and maritime bases that are a long ways past the limits of the United States of America. Additional proof refered to by Novikov to legitimize the drawn out objective of global control in American international strategy through the weapons contest and the advancement of â€Å"newer kinds of weapons†. The more up to date sorts of weapons that Novikov alludes to are the nuclear bom bs controlled by the United States of America, which around then was not controlled by some other nation. Novikov goes on further to state that the United States of America was moving towards consummation the unified control of Germany so that by building up majority rules system in Germany, it could be utilized to in the administration of the plans of the United States of America for global control. (1). To Novikov the American procedure in its planning of section into Second World War was moved toward helping it expects to command the world. During the Second World War the principle battlefields were in Europe and Asia. Quite far the United States of America would not enter the Second World war and whenever pushed to it would defer its entrance in such a way, that with insignificant exertion it could choose the course of the war, as the primary soldiers by then would frail and fatigued of the war. This procedure needed to twin advantages on one hand the main countries of the world engaged with the skirmishes of the subsequent universal war would be debilitated while the new American powers would hold their quality and this would permit them to

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